at the edge of synthetic nature,
art as a frame for future visions.
eigenflow elaborates new realities from what nature confuses with artificial and what we confuse with nature.

eigenflow is the collaboration between David Pettersson, designer and creative coder, and Diane Drubay, visual artist. Together, they disrupt the flow of nature to recreate synthetic natural environments sharing purpose-driven visions.

Merging their practices with emerging technologies, they scout for emotional narratives to express their ideas and concerns. Nature becomes an endless source of raw material ready to be shaped by new technologies to tell stories.
inspired by nature - felt by humans - created by machines
nature as a delicate experience
Somatic Journey
We are a nature-sensitive species. It is time to embrace our inner connection with the natural surrounding.

This series of AI-generated photographs offer a vivid somatic journey through 220 artificial natural landscapes. The pictures are being created from dozens of breathtaking seascapes captured worldwide, then transformed into thousands of pieces to synthesize artificial landscapes, and finally recompose a synthetic meteorological journey.

This project is inspired by the daily collective attention on weather and its impact on our lives and emotions, and how certain natural environment transforms the way we feel and think.

To be exhibited:
- a tryptic of X-minutes videos (variable dimension)
- a series of 220 20x20cm high-resolution print on photo paper, mounted on a 3 mm aluminium composite panel (Dibond) / can also be exhibited in small series of 4
sensory metaphor for the sun's future
Solvent Suns
The fascination we all have with the sun is mysterious and ambiguous. As the source of life on Earth, looking at it too much makes us see a new reality until everything goes dark. When it disappears, everything freezes, but everything melts when it is too hot. It uplifts us with hope and light in our darker moments. In her research into the effects of global warming on the landscapes of our future, visual artist Diane Drubay collaborated with generative art artist David Pettersson aka somaticbits to visualize how greenhouse effects might impact the sun if it was closer to us. Between a desire to be submerged by its warmth and fear of seeing it dissolve, each video is a sensory metaphor for the sun's future. full series here.

To be exhibited:
- a six-channel wall of vintage square tv monitors
start to envision bright futures - change the scenario
Bright Void

While we globally entered this new decade with a series of crisis and catastrophes, empowerment for change is required more than ever. It is time to shift stories. Gloom and doom are paralysing us, cultivating action and positiveness becomes crucial for our future. Infinite, without beginning or end, it is now time to realize that this wheel of time can stop, regenerate or change direction.

In this real-time interactive multimedia installation, we want to give back power to individuals showing they can act and have an impact on the void we are in.

To be exhibited:

an immersive mesmerizing video projection with sound and leap motion and monitor

Diane Drubay
Envisioning nature-infused futuristic landscapes through visual art.
website / twitter / instagram / hic et nunc
Creating mind-bending, hypnotic and distorted realities.
website / twitter / instagram / hic et nunc